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About Us

Being natural does not need to feel like a full-time job!

Twin sisters Chanyn & Chanaz believe that beauty comes naturally and it's up to us to nourish it. Being natural is not supposed to take up hours a day of your time. It should be easy and fun. We help naturalistas get their time back and their lives back by making things easy and simple. 

 Effective products that really work in no-time. And most importantly products that are healthy and non-toxic for your health and body. That means;


Our products are tried and tested by us and have helped thousands of naturals finally grow out their hair, add thickness and volume. We help your skin to look radiant and feel soft. Get to fall in love with yourself and feel confident with your own standard of beauty! 

About Double Beauty

Twin sisters Chanyn & Chanaz strive to provide the world with natures best recipes to enhance natural beauty in all of our glorious diversity. We develop pure natural beauty products and inspire women to lead the healthiest, happiest lifestyle available to them.

What motivates us

We could have designed a dozen products to make your straight hair curly, or your curly hair straight. We could have worked on a formula to make your pale skin tanned, and your tanned skin pale. Here’s the thing though... We love your natural beauty! We believe you are unique and inspiring. That is why we create products that bring out the best in you. Our core value is to help you nourish your nature rather than working against it. This is who we are. Our mission is to empower you to embrace your natural beauty and get the best out of it in a healthy, natural way.


Your natural beauty is unique and inspiring. Love and nourishment will help you get the best out of it.”

Much love,


Chanyn & Chanaz

Founders Double Beauty  


Contact us for any inquiries or question regarding the content of this website.